Praise - Goodness

Scripture Reading - Psalms 107:21 KJV

Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

Greetings fellow believer in the Awesome Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you this day while he fills you with all Peace. Today we are speaking on the topic of “Praise”. First we want the saint of God to notice that the Word of God is very specific in this example so we should be specific too. The “Good” Lord is seeking praise for His “Goodness”. One might ask, “What is God’s Goodness?” Good Question, God’s “Goodness” is too broad to explain all the facets of His “Goodness” because the depths of God’s “goodness” can only be expressed by our limited knowledge of God. Since we already know the definitions of God can only be explained by the Holy Bible coupled with the teaching of the Holy Spirit. The Word of God and The Holy Spirit of God know all about the Father God. We (ihlcc) will share four common meanings that are often referred to when teaching from The Holy Bible. As usual we will start with the Old Testament then move into the New Testament. In Exodus 33:13 the scripture speaks of all of God’s “Goodness” passing before Moses so he (Moses) could know God better. This is true because you will never really know someone until you spend time in their presence. We can understand according to Exodus God’s “Goodness” is tangible, it is a part of God that is powerful and since it is a part of God it is unmeasurable or we could say unlimited. We can also understand that it is God’s Will for man to partake of His “Goodness”, therefore God’s “Goodness” should be a part of our daily lives and we can partake of His “Goodness” on a regular basis by “Praising” God for His “Goodness”. Staying in the Old Testament we see according to the book of Psalms God’s “Goodness” is mentioned quite often in relationship to singing “praises” to God. This is another witness that God’s “Goodness” is a part of His nature, it is inherent within Him. Knowing that The Lord delights in His “Praises” should motivate us to “praise” God everyday while during the day, for that is God’s Will for mankind in general and especially for His Beloved Children that are created in His exact image and likeness. Psalms 107:1 reminds us, “O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is “Good”: for His Mercy endureth for ever.” Since “praise” was expected from the Children of Israel how much more is “praise” expected from the Children of God washed by Blood of the Lamb and born of the Spirit of God’s Love. Allowing us to be born-again of God’s own Spirit is a great privilege, some would say that it is a “Good” thing, so let’s “praise” Him. He who is worthy of all glory, honor and “praise”. Moving to the New Testament book of Acts chapter 10 verse 38 we see the unity of our triune God. The Father God, anointed His Precious Son Jesus (walking and working in His natural body) with the Holy Ghost. Remember Jesus walked the earth as a man and that is why He, just like us, needed to rely upon the Holy Spirit daily to closely follow God’s direction and to do the works of God while on the earth. So we (ihlcc) have a question, “Was Jesus anointed so He could feel better? The scripture doesn’t mention that. Next question, “Was Jesus anointed to have a better relationship with God?” The scripture doesn’t mention that either. Last question, “Was Jesus anointed with the Holy Ghost so He could argue over the scriptures? No, the scripture doesn’t mention that as a reason for needing the Holy Spirit. The point we (ihlcc) are making is the scripture does say, “How God Anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power: who went about doing “Good”, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him.” Therefore, we can confidently understand that God’s “Goodness” can be seen in the works of Jesus. We understand that when God’s Anointing was upon Jesus it had purpose with it and part of that purpose was to do “good” to others. So we can conclude that teaching and preaching and speaking God’s Word whether publicly or privately is “good”. Thus, when God speaks to us and others it is part of His “Goodness” unto us and others. We must make a habit of “praising” God whenever we see, experience or even think about the “Good” works of God or taste of the “goodness” of God. Also in the New Testament we notice Galatians 5:22 which teaches us that “Goodness” is a byproduct of the Fruit of the Spirit. Fruit should be eaten regularly, thus we should be partaking of God’s “Goodness” on a regular basis or some would say on a daily basis “Praise” the Lord. One thing we will point-out based upon the scriptures included in this lesson we can boldly say, “God’s “Goodness” is not a feeling, for He Is a Spirit!” Yes, the “Goodness” of God is a part of the Spirit of God worthy of all of our “praise”. This must be mentioned because the hit record came out proclaiming “I feel good” and that term is commonly used today to describe how a person is feeling at a certain time or day. Believers often use that statement too which is Ok. However, the statement, “God is Good, therefore I am Good” is more scriptural and therefore more powerful. Yes, feeling “good” is God’s Will for you and being “good” should cover your spirit, soul and body. The “Good” Lord delights in His “Praises”, therefore we should delight in “praising” Him. We are very happy to bless the Lord at all times for His “Praise” shall continually be on our lips. Certainly, let everything that has breath “praise” The Lord God Almighty in Jesus Name. Amen!